JUP Production

JUP Quality

Satisfaction survey of the portering and weighing services


Important Communications

  • Tariff update for the Immigration and Borders Service

    It is communicated that the fees of the Immigration and Borders Service for the year 2020 will be updated with effect from September 23, 2020.

  • 18/09/2020

    There are currently some technical constraints - due to a problem with the transmission of messages via Webservices.

    As there is no forecast for the situation to be rectified, I would like to inform you that contingency procedure no. 04/2020 has been opened.

    Therefore, in urgent situations where it proves necessary, this contingency procedure should be invoked.

    DSRA- Helpdesk SDS

  • Notice is hereby given that the fees of the Immigration and Borders Service for 2020 will be updated with effect from March 1, 2020.

  • Please be advised that confirmation of the Notice of Arrival is conditional on prior completion of the "Ballast Water Questionnaire", which reports the movement of ships' ballast. If there are any changes to ballast movements, this document can be amended until the Notice of Departure is confirmed.

  • APDL is pleased to announce that the complaints process is now also available at JUPII Douro.
    From now on, operators who request, through JUPII, commercial and maritime-tourist calls on the Douro Waterway, must claim any invoices relating to the provision of these services directly on JUPII.
    With this new feature, the APDL departments responsible for analyzing complaints will have immediate access to them, reducing their response time.

    Finally, APDL informs that a tutorial is available at http://www.apdl.pt/tutoriaisJUPII/ReclamacoesPRF/ReclamacoesPRF/ReclamacoesPRF.html, which illustrates this whole process from the point of view of the JUPII user.

  • We would like to inform you that a new feature is now available on JUP regarding the extraction of VGM.

    It is now possible to obtain information from the GOODS DECLARATION PROCESS / VGM EXTRACTION and extract a file containing data on the VGM of containers.

    The data can be obtained from the following types of documents:

    •   ENT – Entry Guide
    •   LOA – Shipping List
    •   UNL – Disembarkation List
  • The fees of the Immigration and Borders Service for 2018 have been updated with effect from March 1, 2018.

  • As of June 20, the complete portal stairs process will be available at the JUP.
    Requests to use the portal stairs must therefore be made at the JUP.

  • The fees of the Immigration and Borders Service for 2017 have been updated with effect from March 1, 2017.

  • We hereby inform you that as of the 8th of February, an update to the functionality named "Complaints Procedure" has become available at JUP Leixões and Viana do Castelo.

    This update enables entities utilizing services from APDL, S.A., the Maritime Authority, Border Health, or the Immigration and Borders Service to submit complaints regarding the respective tariffs of each authority listed in the Single Port Invoice. When drafting a complaint, the complainant must select the authority they wish to address the complaint to using the provided buttons. Upon making this selection and choosing the invoice, only the tariffs related to the selected authority will be visible. The remainder of the process remains unchanged from the previous version. Please note that multiple complaint requests can be submitted simultaneously as long as they are directed to different authorities. Only one complaint process is allowed per authority at any given time.

    This update represents an expansion of the existing functionality to accommodate the new reality of the Single Port Invoice.

    A tutorial is available at the Porto de Leixões and Porto de Viana do Castelo websites

    (http://www.apdl.pt/tutoriaisJUPII/ReclamacoesAutoridades/ReclamacoesAutoridades/ReclamacoesAutoridades.html) to illustrate this process from the client's perspective. For training/self-learning purposes, this functionality is accessible in the Quality environment under the "Services" column of the "Voyage Summary."

  • "As part of the ongoing process to facilitate the use of JUP II, particularly in the provision of declarative acts, along with the expansion of functionalities, a new method for submitting Crew and Passenger Lists will be implemented in Leixões, Douro, and Viana do Castelo.

    This functionality involves using a spreadsheet per list, which can be submitted when creating or updating a crew/passenger list. The system interprets this spreadsheet, and the data is stored in a manageable format as if it had been manually entered.

    Additionally, a button will be provided that, when clicked, exports the records in the crew/passenger list to a spreadsheet, which can be used at the next port.

    The layout used for this list is standard in various European countries such as the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway. However, provided certain rules are adhered to, JUP II can process spreadsheets with layout variations.

    This functionality will be available from January 2nd, 2017."

  • From May 24, 2016, the upload of an excel file for the port area entry service is available on JUP2.

    The file template consists of 2 sheets, the first sheet containing columns corresponding to all fields in the PEOPLE section, and the second sheet containing all fields in the VEHICLES section.

    The columns must match the template; otherwise, the file will not be uploaded. Only correct rows will be loaded, and the user will be informed of the line number with the error and the description of the error. All fields present in the document form that are not included in the PEOPLE and VEHICLES sections must be filled directly in the form.

    The Excel upload always functions as an "Addition."

    After uploading the file, the user must click "Save," otherwise the lines will not be inserted into the request.

  • Please be informed that starting from March 15th, a new feature named "Complaints Procedure" will be made available at JUP Leixões and Viana do Castelo".

    This new process allows entities utilizing services from APDL, S.A. and requesting these services via JUP to file complaints regarding invoices issued by APDL, S.A. resulting from the provision of these services.

    The aim of this process is to assist customers in submitting a complaint and reduce the response time accordingly.

    A tutorial will soon be made available on the Porto de Leixões and Porto de Viana do Castelo websites, which will provide a client perspective of this process. For training/self-learning purposes, this functionality is accessible in the Quality environment under the "Services" column of the "Voyage Summary."

  • In compliance with the provisions of Decree-Law No. 218/2012 of October 9th, the ISPS Declaration form has been updated. It went into production on 11/08/2015.

  • From June 3, 2015, onward, the upload of an Excel Files for the boarding entries service will be available on JUP2.

    The file template consists of 2 sheets, the first sheet containing columns corresponding to all fields in the PEOPLE section, and the second sheet containing all fields in the VEHICLES section.

    The columns must match the template; otherwise, the file will not be uploaded. Only correct rows will be loaded, and the user will be informed of the line number with the error and the description of the error.

    All fields present in the document form that are not included in the PEOPLE and VEHICLES sections must be filled directly in the form.

    The Excel upload always functions as an "Addition."

    After uploading the file, the user must click "Save," otherwise, the lines will not be inserted into the request.


  • The supply of water to vessels, starting from November 1st, must be requested through a form filled out on JUP.

    For further information, please refer to the Support Material / Tutorials (videos) option available on the APDL page, JUP II section. Date: 27/10/2014.

  • The use of function 5, as outlined in the Implementation Guide of IFCSUM on page 12, will no longer be accepted by the Port Authority system as of January 3, 2014.