Latitude - 41º 11' N Longitude - 8º 42' W

The Port of Leixões is situated in northern Portugal, northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, around 2.5 nautical miles north of the mouth of the Douro River and in close proximity to the city of Porto. It is bordered by the towns of Leça da Palmeira to the north and Matosinhos to the south.t

Coming from the north, give clearance to the Orça Rock at 130 meters outside the North Jetty, parallel to 41 degrees 10 minutes 37 seconds, passing south of the breakwater beacon.

At night, one should navigate by the lights of the breakwater beacon and the lights in the lighthouses of the North and South Jetties.

Coming from the North, give a berth to the Orça Rock at 130 meters outside the North Jetty, parallel to 41 degrees 10 minutes 37 seconds.


Quays and Terminals


    Conventional Quays for General Cargo and Bulk Solids comprise Dock 1 (North and South), Dock 2 (North and South), and Dock 4 North (or Agro-food Bulk Terminal), which are leased to TCGL - Terminal de Carga Geral e Granéis de Leixões, S.A., with the exception of Dock 1 North.

    The main commodities handled here include: raw, pressed, and sawn timber; iron and steel; sheet rolls; granite stones; scrap metal; agro-food bulk goods; general machinery; and project cargoes such as wind generators and transformers.

    Characteristics of the conventional quays:

    Dock 1 North

    • Quay length: 455 meters
    • Depth: -10 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cranage: 1 crane of 45 to 90 tons
    • Open storage capacity: 17,850 m2

    Dock 1 South

    • Quay length: 520 meters
    • Depth: -10 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cranage: 5 cranes of 6.2 tons and 2 cranes of 16 to 40 tons
    • Open storage capacity: 16,663 m2

    Dock 2 North

    • Quay length: 670 meters
    • Depth: -11 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cranage: 9 cranes of 6.2 tons, 2 cranes of 5 to 15 tons, and 1 crane of 42 to 104 tons
    • Open storage capacity: 34,693 m2

    Dock 2 South

    • Quay length: 690 meters
    • Depth: -11 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cranage: 9 cranes of 6.2 tons, 4 cranes of 12 to 18 tons, and 1 crane of 29 to 104 tons
    • Open storage capacity: 53,414 m2

    Dock 4 North -  Grain Terminal

    Most of the Agro-food Bulk Solids are handled at the Grain Terminal.

    • Quay length: 400 meters
    • Depth: -12 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cranage: 2 eco-friendly cranes of 15 tons with anti-pollution system
    • Open storage capacity: 22,448 m2
    • Covered storage capacity: Warehouse 13: 2,500 m2; Warehouse 15: 1,500 m2.
    • Commodities: agro-food bulk goods.

    Liquid bulk goods handled at the Port of Leixões are primarily destined for the Petrogal Refinery located in Leça da Palmeira, as well as for CEPSA. In addition to the Petroleum Terminal, there are other suitable locations for handling various types of liquid bulk:

    South Dock 2

    • Berth length: 690 meters
    • Depth: -11 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Goods: asphalt products and fuel oil
    • Pipelines serving CEPSA - Companhia Portuguesa de Petróleos, Lda.

    The Port of Leixões features an Oil Tanker Terminal, leased to Petrogal - Petróleos de Portugal, S.A., built on the submerged breakwater, measuring 700 meters in length and standing 15 meters above sea level, also serving as protection at the port entrance.

    The Terminal, connected to the Petrogal Refinery through pipelines, has three berths:


    Berth A

    • Depth: -15 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cargo: crude oil and various refined products
    • Capacity for vessels: up to 100,000 DWT

    Berth B

    • Depth: -10 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cargo: crude oil, various refined products, liquefied petroleum gases, and aromatic products
    • Capacity for vessels: up to 27,000 DWT

    Berth C

    • Depth: -6 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Cargo: various refined products, liquefied petroleum gases, and aromatic products
    • Capacity for vessels: up to 5,000 DWT

    Galp-Leça Ocean Terminal

    In 2006, the operation of unloading at the Galp-Leça Ocean Terminal (TOGL) began, aimed at receiving crude oil for the Petrogal Refinery. This berth is used by oil tankers up to 150,000 DWT and has depths of up to -30 meters.s.


    North Container Terminal

    It has a 360m long berth with depths of -10m (Z.H.L.), equipped with 2 quay gantries with a capacity of up to 35/42 tonnes (on the spreader/under the beam).
    Its embankments have a total area of 6 hectares and are equipped with 4 parking gantries with a capacity of 35/42 tonnes (on the spreader/under the beam) which can store 3,500 TEU'S. The terminal's handling capacity is 170,000 TEU'S per year. It also has 2 reach-stackers and 3 front-end forklifts for handling containers.

    The terminal also has a refrigerated container parking area with 72 power sockets and 10 semi-trailers for internal container transport.
    This terminal also has a 145m-long quay in a north-south direction with a depth of -6m (Z.H.L.), which is not part of the concession.


    South Container Terminal

    The South Container Terminal has a 540m long berth with depths at -12m (Z.H.L.), equipped with 4 quay gantries with a capacity of up to: two of 40/2x30/75 tonnes (on the single/twin-lift/under-dash spreader), one of 40/2x20/65 tonnes (on the single/twin-lift/under-dash spreader) and one of 35/45 tonnes capacity (on the spreader/under-dash). Its embankments, with a total area of 16 hectares, are equipped with 14 parking gantries with a capacity of 35/45 tonnes (on spreader/under bar). It also has 7 reach-stackers and 6 front-end forklifts, making it possible to store 14,100 TEU'S.

    The terminal's handling capacity is 600,000 TEU'S per year. This terminal also has a refrigerated container parking area with 544 power sockets and 28 semi-trailers for internal container transport.
    This terminal also has a 100m long quay, running north-south with a depth of -11m (Z.H.L.), located at the eastern end of Dock no. 2, which is not part of the concession.


  • The Roll-On Roll-Off Terminal is located at Dock 1 North, which has a depth of -10m, providing roll-on roll-off cargo loading and unloading services at Porto de Leixões. This terminal offers suitable conditions for the berthing of Ro-Ro vessels with stern ramps and features a fixed platform integrated into the quay with a length of 21m, maximum width of 22m, and a slope of 7.7%.

    The maximum cargo capacity of this terminal is 80 tons and 24 tons per axle. It also has a parking area for approximately 100 trailers.

    Dock 1 North:

    • Depth: -10m
    • Fixed platform: maximum width of 22 meters and minimum of 11 meters with a slope of 7.7%
    • Cargo: light vehicles and heavy equipment (trucks and trailers)
    • Parking area for 100 trailers

    The Multi-Purpose Terminal is primarily intended for Ro-Ro traffic, promoting the development of Motorways of the Sea from Leixões. Situated on the South Breakwater of Porto de Leixões, it features an advanced quay with a length of 310 meters, a Ro-Ro ramp measuring 26 meters in width, depths of -10 meters (Z.H.L.), and the capacity to handle equipment weighing up to 360 tons. Additionally, it includes a quay perpendicular to the South Breakwater with a length of 155 meters and depths of -10 meters, another quay with a length of 50 meters, and a slipway ramp.

    This terminal is primarily dedicated to Short Sea Shipping (SSS), serving both Ro-Ro and Lo-Lo (Lift-On/Lift-Off) operations. It also has a yard area of approximately 8 hectares that serves as a support area.


    Each year, the Port of Leixões welcomes around 80,000 cruise ship passengers from all over the world. The majority of passengers come from the United Kingdom, Germany, and the United States of America.

    For this purpose, Leixões has two cruise terminals:

    North Cruise Terminal

    Located at Dock 1 North, this terminal features a 300-meter-long quay with a depth of -10 meters, capable of receiving ships with a maximum length of 250 meters. To accommodate passengers, this terminal also includes a Passenger Station, considered an Architectural and Historical Heritage of the city of Matosinhos. The Leixões Passenger Station, designed by architects Tito Figueiredo and Jorge Gigante, was inaugurated in April 1961 and is a valuable example of architecture from that period, built in wood, with large glass windows that allow passengers to enjoy the movement of the port and the beauty of the sea.

    Dock 1 North

    • Quay length: 300 meters
    • Depth: -10 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Maximum length of ships: 250 meters
    • Draft: 8 meters (at high tide, 9 meters)

    South Cruise Terminal

    This modern cruise terminal is located on the south pier and reflects APDL, SA's commitment to promoting the cruise industry in the Northern region of Portugal. This is the largest project ever to open the Port of Leixões to the city, increasing its capacity to accommodate larger cruise ships. The new cruise ship pier was inaugurated in April 2011 and has since welcomed the largest and most luxurious cruise ships in the world. The main building features a Passenger Station with various facilities for ships in transit or those embarking/disembarking passengers. There is no capacity limit for transit passengers, and the terminal can accommodate up to 2,500 passengers in turnaround (embarking and disembarking). Also housed in this building are the Production and Science (offices and experimental laboratories) and Scientific Outreach Departments of CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Center for Marine and Environmental Research.

    - Cruise Ship Pier

    • Pier length: 340 meters
    • Depth: -10 meters (Z.H.L.)
    • Maximum length of ships: 300 meters for berthing
    • Mandatory piloting (for entry and exit)
    • No stay limits
    • ISPS certification

    - Passenger Station, located in the central building of the complex, with various facilities for ships in transit or those embarking/disembarking passengers. There is no capacity limit for transit passengers, and it can accommodate up to 2,500 passengers in turnaround (embarking and disembarking).

    - Fluvial-Maritime Pier for mooring boats that provide tourist itineraries on the Douro River.

    - Nautical Recreation Port for 170 boats and respective minimum support services, convenience spaces, and support functions for crew and sailors.

    - Parking for buses and vehicles along the pier and interior parking.


    The Marina Dock, located at the root of the North Pier of the Port of Leixões, is leased to the Atlantic Marina Club Association. It is bounded by the North, West, and East docks (clubs) and the Tide Gauge. This infrastructure consists of a set of floating elements (piers) and horizontally stabilized "fingers" connected to a system of metal piling driven into the rocky bottoms of the area. It allows for the supply of drinking water, fuel, and low-voltage electrical energy to boats and is equipped with firefighting equipment and containers for waste and oils.

    • Quay Length: 50 meters.
    • Depth: -2.5 meters (Z.H.L)
    • Mooring Capacity: 248 permanent mooring places, with an additional area of pontoon bridges totaling 50 meters in length for temporary mooring, accommodating 4 to 5 yachts.
    • Services/Equipment: Provision of drinking water, low-voltage electrical energy, firefighting system, and containers for waste and oils.

    Concessioned to DOCAPESCA – Portos e Lotas, S.A., Matosinhos is the primary fishing port in terms of the overall quantity of fish caught. It is the most significant sardine port in the country and the largest in catches by coastal trawling. It features three quay walls totaling 1,890 meters in length and depths of -4 meters (ZHL), where 46 trawlers and 20 trawlers can simultaneously dock. Floating platforms have also been installed for artisanal fishing vessels. The fish auction ensures increased productivity of services provided in the best working and hygiene conditions. The level of innovation extends to a modern computerized electronic auction system. The cold storage warehouse and freezing unit, in turn, already ensure ice supply and have a storage capacity of 5,500 tons.


    The company Silos de Leixões - Unipessoal, Lda operates in an area of ​​2.3 hectares. The silos are designed for the storage of cereals, derivatives, oilseeds, and other food products and have a capacity of 120,000 tons (100,000 tons in vertical silos and 20,000 tons in a horizontal warehouse).


    Products manufactured at the Leça da Palmeira Refinery, connected to the Oil Terminal by twenty oil and gas pipelines, are shipped to national ports (exchange between refineries, Petrogal, S.A. storage parks, and other third-party facilities) to supply the domestic market or to foreign ports for export, with a predominance of base oils and chemical products.


    CEPSA - Companhia Portuguesa de Petróleos, S.A. located in Matosinhos, near the Port of Leixões, is connected to South Dock 2 by two pipelines for asphalt products and fuel oil. The storage capacity is 61,000 tons.


    Located in South Dock 1, there are two warehouses for the reception and dispatch of bulk cement, licensed to SECIL - Companhia Geral de Cal e Cimento, S.A., occupying a total area of ​​about 1,500 square meters.

Leixoes Map 2024

Concessions and licenses

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