Concession activities fees

  • Following the Board of Directors' Resolution of January 25, 2018, and Directive No. 3/2023, of September 11, from ERSE - Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos, which approves the update of the electricity tariff for the electricity sector to be effective from January 1, 2023, the tariff for Low Voltage (LV) Electricity Supply in the ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo and in the Douro Navigable Waterway is published.


    1. The low-voltage electricity supply rates, according to the type of tariff and contracted power, are as follows:

    Tariff Type Unit Euros
    With Single Rate    
    Up to 2,3 kVA KWh 0,1578
    Up to 20,7 kVA KWh 0,1624
    More than 20,7 kVA KWh 0,1599

    With Tri-Hourly Tariff

    (more than 20,7 kVA)

    Peak Hours KWh 0,2881
    Off-Peak Hours KWh 0,1599
    Off-Hours KWh 0,0951


    2- The monthly power rates due for the supply of electricity at low voltage are as follows:

    Contracteed Power (kVA) Monthly Tariff (Euros)
    1.15 2,4427
    2.30 4,0611
    3.45 5,1349
    4.60 6,6833
    5.75 8,2225
    6.90 9,7648
    10.35 14,3856
    13.80 19,0095
    17.26 23,6303
    20.70 28,2541
    27.60 37,7634
    34.50 46,9776
    41.40 56,1918
    >41.40 1,3573 €/kVA

    3. The supply of electricity at Medium Voltage will be billed at the price provided by the energy supplier, plus 20% for administrative charges.

    Directive 17/2022

    The Board of Directors of APDL, SA

  • Considering the significant increases in electricity supply costs observed in recent months, the Board of Directors of APDL, in a meeting on May 26, 2022, decided to update the tariff for Low Voltage Electricity Supply to vessels (OPS) at the ports of Leixões, Viana do Castelo, and the Douro Navigable Waterway..

    This Order of Service No. E-006 hereby publishes the following tariff:

    - Low Voltage Electricity Supply to vessels (OPS) - €0.2305 per kWh

    The approved tariff will come into effect on June 1, 2022.

  • By decision of the Board of Directors on January 26, 2023, the following water supply tariffs were established at the Port of Leixões:

    a) Water supply to land facilities - €4.4298 per m3,
    b) Water supply to vessels via hydrant - €7.5665 per m3,
    c) Water meter rental - €4.2161 per month per unit..

    This Order of Service shall come into effect on February 1, 2023.3.

  • The Board of Directors, in a session on November 21, 2019, decided as follows:
    Under article 2.0(a) of the Tariff Regulation for the ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo, the following Occupancy Fees for Non-Concessioned Port Areas of the Port of Leixões are established:

    1. For the use of uncovered area for goods parking, the following fees are due:
    a) Containers: €1.9086 per square meter per month;
    b) General cargo, ro-ro cargo, and bulk: €0.7113 per square meter per month.

    2. For the use of covered area for goods parking, the fee is €1.5198 per square meter per month..

    3. For the use of covered area for other purposes, not for goods parking, the fee is €10.4395 per square meter per month.

    4. For the occupation of land with underground or underwater galleries and pipelines, the fee is €0.1086 per square meter per month..

    5. For the occupation of land with advertising panels, the fee is €3.7341 per square meter per month..

    6. The requisition for the use of uncovered and covered areas for goods parking is made by submitting a request to DOPS - Port Operations and Security Directorate, for a period not less than one month. The space to be requisitioned may be for the whole or part (parcel/lot) of the available areas, and it must include the space dedicated to the goods and the area for handling operations so that this portion allows free access to the cargo at all times, without being occupied by other uses/users.

    7. The values of the fees set in items 1 to 5 will be updated, effective from January 1 of each year, by applying the average annual change rate of the consumer price index recorded in the month of September of the previous year, excluding housing, for Portugal, published by the National Statistics Institute.

    8. The fees shall be settled immediately after the provision of services, unless another procedure is determined by the port administration..

    9. Payment of the fees established in this Order of Service does not exempt from payment of any other fees provided for..

    10. The liable parties for these fees are the users of uncovered and covered areas and land occupation..

    11. Orders of Service No. 07/05, Series B, of October 11, 2005, No. E-006 of November 30, 2015, and E-006 of March 29, 2018, are hereby revoked..

    This Order of Service shall come into effect on January 1, 2020.

  • The Board of Directors, in a session on December 5, 2019, decided as follows:
    Under article 2.0(a) of the Tariff Regulation for the ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo, the Rates for Cargo Handling, loaded and unloaded from ships, in all non-concessioned wharves of the ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo, were revised and standardized, by framing them in the Fee for the Use of Infrastructure and Exercise of Stevedoring Companies' Activity (TUIEAEE) in non-Concessioned Wharves of the Ports of Leixões and Viana do Castelo, as follows: 

    1. For the handling of cargo, loaded and unloaded from ships, the following rates are due:
    a) Containers: €16.0551 per TEU;
    b) Ro-Ro Cargo::
    - Trailers: €10.0000 per unit
    - Light vehicles: €0.5000 per unit
    - Other Ro-Ro cargo: €0.4095 per ton
    c) General cargo and bulk: €0.4095 per ton.

    2. The rate for Trailers will be reduced by 50% in 2020.

    3. The values of the rates set in item 1 will be updated, effective from January 1 of each year, by applying the average annual change rate of the consumer price index recorded in the month of September of the previous year, excluding housing, for Portugal, published by the National Statistics Institute.

    4. The rates shall be settled immediately after the provision of services, unless another procedure is determined by the port administration.

    5. Payment of the rates established in this Order of Service does not exempt from payment of any other fees provided for.

    6. The liable parties for these rates are the licensed stevedoring companies for the handling of cargo, loaded and unloaded from ships.

    7. Orders of Service No. E-006 of November 30, 2015, and No. E-004 of May 8, 2015, are hereby revoked.

    This Order of Service shall come into effect on January 1, 2020.

  • The Maritime Authority provides services to crews, cargoes, and vessels, including surveillance, policing, control, and enforcement of compliance with applicable legal regulations in the port area, ship visits and clearance, among other administrative and technical services.

    In this regard, it charges fees and charges for these services annually set by ordinance (Ordinance No. 385/2002 of April 11), in accordance with Article 48 of Decree-Law No. 273/2000, which approved the Tariff System Regulation for Mainland Ports.

    Ordinance No. 385/2002 of April 11l

  • Regional Directorate of Agriculture between Douro and Minho – Phytosanitary Control Division

    This entity provides inspection and surveillance services for cargoes, charging fees for inspections and clearance of goods received or dispatched by land and for inspections and clearance of goods received or dispatched by sea for phytosanitary purposes.

    It is noted that Article 52 of Decree-Law No. 273/2000 establishes that the fees to be charged for Phytosanitary purposes should be fixed by Ordinance, which has not yet occurred.

    Border Inspection Post at the Port of Leixões

    This entity provides inspection and veterinary control services for animals and certain animal products, also charging fees for inspections and clearance of goods received or dispatched by land and for inspections and clearance of goods received or dispatched by sea.

    The tariff to be applied is distributed in the following legal texts:

    Decree-Law No. 208/99 of June 11
    Ordinance No. 166/2004 of February 18

    Similar to the previous entity, Article 52 of Decree-Law No. 273/2000 establishes that the fees to be charged for Animal Health should be fixed by Ordinance, which has not yet occurred.

    Port Health of Porto de Leixões

    The Health Authority provides services to passengers, crews, and ships, charging fees for health visits and granting free practice to vessels and ships; inspections and certification of ships regarding deratization, disinfestation, and health status of vessels or ships; and clearance of health and sanitation of vessels or ships.

    Similarly to the previous entity, Article 52 of Decree-Law No. 273/2000 establishes that the fees to be charged by the Health Authority should be fixed by Ordinance, which has not yet occurred